Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pakistan a peaceful neighbour ?????? what nonsense..

I just happened to be seeing youtube when i found this shocking video of a pakistani news channel..If you thought our politicians were the most corrupt , irresponible and had no feelings then you must watch this video...The lady in the video is not only defending pakistan(any countrymen would do that but to this extent just shows her stupidity) ..The best part is that she says pakistan is a peaceful neighbour..Oh my god if pakistan is peaceful then why the hell are the camps still running in POK...The day US stops funding them they will be finished..just bomb those camps and put sanctions otherwise these people will be getting away everytime.What right do they have to tell that our indian army is incapable having lost to us 3 times already...Do watch it and post your comments



AKKY said...

this is rally ridiculous these peacefull neighbours r asshole neighbours we sholud destroy them by all sorts i wish if it was in my hands i wld had then just killed each and every people f pakistan and firstly the lady

Anonymous said...

The thing is first we have to see what our politicians and our corrupt police mans r doing. The fact is mumbai intelengents knows whts going to happened in mumbai the fisherman authority have written a letter to govt saying mumbai is in danger than also wht they did nothing first clear the shit from our country then we can move to our neighbours.

Unknown said...

This is the best example of evading the main issue.
While the whole world is talking "terrorism" they are talking of 'riots' and 'separatist movements'.
God! I thought Politicians in India were most stupid.
I was wrong. Pakistan is ahead!
Even a cobbler in India will be more educated than the lady politician.

God save Pakistan, or else we 'll have to clean it up for them.

Just look at what the whole world is saying --

Anonymous said...

I think dis lady politician is not aware of d face of d terrorism whole world is facing. And look at d man and his ideology. How cud he say dat we r stupid. I think he d most stupid as he has indirectly confessed dat d terrorists have used their fucking brains for dis attack by trying fooling us dat dey r hindu. Well aren't d terrorists r hindu? He seems to know very well about what d we are planning.

Plz sumbody ask him whats our next plan is!!!!!!!