Saturday, February 7, 2009

Its not all merry at Google!!!!!!!!!!!

Before this article I thought Google was one of the hippiest and happiest place to work in. And the fact they didn’t care if you turned up for work in bikinis.

These emails make me think I am grossly wrong!

Click here to read the article about why people quit google....

Those who dont have much time to read such a big article the following sums it up perfectly

Google employees are working in a “virtual prison” full of myth. The idea that Larry Page is still reading all CVs is a myth. The fact that all employees are happy in a happy environment is a myth too. From people I know that work in Google, I can tell you that it’s far from being the ideal company to work for.
Their strategy is simple: they setup strict rules in order to keep secret all internal issues to the external world. When you speak with “Googlers”, you really see that it has nothing different than a sect! If one Googler dare to criticized or comment on Google or other employees, he/she is red flaged by the watch dogs inside the company.
Using their magic marketing aura, they are able to attract qualified labour at a low cost (offering benefits such as free food, games, stock options that worth nothing and supposedly nice environment). The real face of Google’s inside is much more depressing. High competition, low benefits, hard boring and manual work.
Also in terms of technology, it is amazing to see that Google’s internal systems and organization is very rudimentary and doesn’t work well. They may have good technology for their users, but their employees suffers under huge manual boring tasks that can be easily automated with proper management, organization and systems.


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